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Good facilitators have a wealth of experience in agenda design, ice-breakers, energisers, interactive exercises, generating dialogue, problem solving techniques, team activities, ways to bring the content to life, tips to help presenters shine, calls to action, etc.

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This should be expressed in terms of outcomes – the things you want participants to be thinking, feeling and, most importantly doing, as a consequence of your event – and formally signed off by leaders. Co-creating total clarity about the destination and direction of travel is key if the facilitator is going to be ideally-placed to help you get there and help both the speakers and participants stay on track. Now we need to be super clear about where we’re going. Agreeing what peak performance looks like Desk research and a number of structured interviews with key stakeholders are ideal ways to achieve this.

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So how can a professional facilitator help leaders and participants reach new heights in their organisations, before, during and after an event, conference, or meeting? Being clear about base campĪs the American author Suze Orman rightly says, ‘It’s impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don’t know where you’re starting from.’ Researching the well-worn paths that leaders and participants have already walked will help shape a fresh and relevant approach to the event – and ensure no one accidentally treads on any thin ice. In truth, I quite liked his ‘tour guide’ metaphor. ‘We’re clear about where you’re trying to get to and we’ve co-created the agenda to get us there.’ My job is to work with you and the other speakers to inspire your event participants to come with us, enjoy the experience and inspire the rest of the business to come on the journey. At that point, the President of the business turned to me, as conference facilitator, and said ‘So, you’re the tour guide, get us there.’ How to guide leaders and participants to reach new heightsĪs rehearsals got underway for an important meeting recently, the Head of Corporate Communications reminded everyone about the ideal outcomes of the event.

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